Monday, May 30, 2011

Take Your Child To Work Day

A week or two ago Ry came with me to work for our version of Take Your Child to Work Day. (We missed it last month.) He was so excited about this opportunity and kept counting day the days. I kept Trav on stand by....just in case. I must admit Friday is our easy day. Ry did great with the students. They were very excited to see him. He was able to complete all the activities the students did. Around 1pm, his typical nap time, he started getting sleepy. He loved kindergarten and I know he'll do great when it's his turn!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rough Ry

Life with Ry lately has been difficult. I'm hoping it's a stage. We are on nearly 2weeks of very agressive and disrespectful behavior. Most times there are arguments, him not listening, or Ry wanting to be independent which thus gets him frustrated. Believe me there have been a few good days thrown in, but otherwise it's been a little rough. So please share your words of wisdom and in the meantime I'll keep chanting patience, patience, patience.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers and most importantly my wonderful mother!

I have had the pleasure of sleeping in and enjoying yummy pancakes, the cutest 4 year old gift, and a dinner out later!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ry had his dental check up this morning. He was much more apprehensive with this appointment than his previous ones. (This is his 3rd visit to the dentist.) All morning he kept saying he didn't want him to go. I told him he could bring something from home. He decided to bring his big Woody (Toy Story). Once we arrived at the office he was reminded of how fun it is there with all of the toys in the waiting room. (Ry goes to a pediatric dentist.) Within a few minutes we were called back and Ry did great. They counted his teeth, cleaned them, examined them, etc. He was perfect! At the end she said she'd see him in 6 months and gave him some bubbles!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Nice Day

While the weather may not have been the day started off a little rough. It made a quick turn around this morning as my students brought me cards, flowers and food (brownies too) for dinner tonight in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. That was the best gift ever! I was able to get Ry after work, have dinner ready after being reheated and it then left the evening for us to play. We went on a very long walk, met up with the neighbors, and then played in the backyard. It was wonderful! Nice weather or was a nice day!