Sunday, November 28, 2010


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Travis's family. His parents and his brother's family stayed with us for a few days. We had yummy food and enjoyed spending time with them despite the rainy weather. Ry loved playing cards with Mom Mom and sword fighting with his cousins.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Here are 2 videos of Ryan singing songs he learned at preschool.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Science Class

Ry wanted to know why we have day and night so our resident science expert went to town teaching Ry about how the Earth revolves around the sun.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Picture Day

Today was picture day at Ry's school. He looked super cute! Here's a later in the day I lost my sweater picture!


A big thanks to my parents who visted us for a few days! Ryan loved seeing them!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sword Fighting

My parents are here for a visit and that means presents for Ry! They gave him a sword and shield set that they got in the dollar bin at Target. He loves it and has been jousting away with everyone.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chef Ryan

Lately we've had Ryan help in preparing foods. Our hope is this would encourage him to try new things if he helped prepare them. Either way he's really enjoying being a chef!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Chris!

Happy Birthday to my brother Chris who turns 35 today!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ry's Art Work

Ry made a triangle using popsicles.

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate...The first 1 said "Oh my, It's getting late!"....

Ry's first family portrait!


Congratulations to Joe Meyer, Esquire! Ryan's Uncle Joe (Travis's brother) just found out he passed the bar exam and he is now officially a lawyer. We are super proud of him!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nana & Pop Pop

Ryan loves working on his easel with his magnetic letters and his dry erase markers. He is able to identify all of his uppercase letters and most of his lowercase letters. He has been working really hard on writing his letters. He now writes his name and is working on writing other letters. Tonight, in anticipation of his Nana and Pop Pop coming to visit, he wanted to write their names. I gave him the sound and he wrote the matching letter. He did a great job and was so proud!
He is now able to read: his first and last name, hi, cat, mom, dad, and a few others!

Enjoy the pictures Nana and Pop Pop!