Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nana & Pop Pop Visit

We are eagerly awaiting the visit of my parents. They fly in tomorrow afternoon and will be here for a week. We can't wait!

Pancake Helper

Being home for the summer is great since it allows me to make "real breakfast". Every morning I ask Ry what he wants and this morning he responded by saying "pancakes". He loves to help me in the kitchen stirring and pouring.

P.S. The pancakes turned out yummy!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bath Time

Ryan has gone through constant bath phases where he likes the bath and then doesn't. For the past year, I dreaded giving a bath because it was such an old bath tub and I am strange like that! Since we've moved into a newer home, it's not so bad. Recently I bought Ryan bath letters. He loves them! I could put cake in front of him and he wouldn't care. All he wants to do is play with the letters. He will put them all in a line along the wall of the tub. He will sort them by colors. He will stack them up. He will play and play and play with them. With that comes him not wanting anything to do with me actually bathing him. When I try, he throws a fit. How dare I interrupt letter time! He would literally stay in there for an hour if I let him. Now, he cries when he has to come out! Time sure has changed.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's Potty Time!

Well we've been trying to work with Ryan on going on the potty. However, due to daycare and our work schedules, we haven't been able to give it as much as we'd like. This morning he woke up (way to early) and I put him on the potty. I then decided to put him in big boy "Elmo" underwear. Well the boy stayed dry for about 6 hours as we visited the potty every 30 minutes or so. Every time he'd go he'd get an M n' M. The boy must've had about 20 today! We finially just put him in a pull up as we had errands and such to run. We'll give it another go tomorrow.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Gym Class

So I enrolled Ryan in a gym class this summer. My hope was that the class would teach him a new way to be active. Today was the second class. They start with songs on the carpet and then the kids get to use the toddler gym equipment. They have rings, balance beams, slides, bars, a trampoline, tumbling equipment, etc. I honestly would have thought he'd like the trampoline the best since he loves jumping. Well he doesn't want anything to do with it. I can't even get him on the trampoline. Instead, my 2 year old loves the rings. The class always ends with the parachute and then stamps on the feet. Ryan will not let the teacher come anywhere near him with the stamps though. Overall he seems to enjoy the class.

I am real excited that next week my parents will be in town and can join us for Ryan's class!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ry's Morning

Well Ryan decided to grace us with his words at 5:50am this morning. (What happened to the 7am wake up yesterday?) After letting him talk for a while, we headed downstairs. He started playing. I made breakfast. After that, he wanted to color. Just a few quick photos of him coloring at the table.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ry's Room

Ry's room in the new house. He will stay in the "baby" room for a while longer. This allows us to have a dedicated office and guest room for all our visitors.

Ryan Loves His Bikes

Ryan loves riding his new bike. We got this off craigslist since we knew it'd get beat up! He is also really good about wearing his Thomas helmet. Everytime we go out he says he wants to go to the "slide" aka, the park.