Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ryan's Haircut

Most of you know what terrible experiences we've had taking Ry to get his haircut. Everywhere we go he has a screaming fit, get's a sub par haircut, and we have to find a different place each time. I heard about this place in Cranberry called, Despite the 45 minute drive we figured it was worth a try. The appeal of the chairs, movies, and trained staff peaked our interest. We showed Ry the pictures online and talked about it all day. He kept saying no. We drove in terrible traffic, but finally got there 55 minutes later. Once we got inside he seemed a little hesitant, but not too bad. He saw the fish tank and was happy about that. He chose to sit in the big jet (like Little Einsteins). He tried to get out, but Trav sat next to him on a stool, and he remained seated. (Keep in mind, he's never sat by himself for a haircut. He's always sat on my lap.) The lady let him choose a DVD. He chose Little Einsteins. He sat there really well watching the DVD, pushing the buttons on the jet, watching the fish, and looking at the other boy who was getting his hair cut in the jeep next to him. The lady who cut his hair was amazing. She knew all the right things to do for a kid, none of which we've seen at any other hair place. So despite the $19.99 pre-tip bill and 45 minute drive, we will definately be heading back. Enjoy the pics and videos!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

More Family Visits!

We were so delighted to have my brother Chris, his wife Mindi, and their 2 girls, Kayla and Leah come visit us for a few days. Kayla and Ryan are only a few months apart and seemed to have fun with each other. While Leah is still a baby, Ryan was infatuated with her and her walker! We went to the park, played in our backyard, went to the Children's Museum, took the incline up the mountain, went on a mini tour of the city, and even had fun at our neighborhood's block party! We were sad to see them leave but look forward to October where we will meet in Chicago!