Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ryan is about to be 4. Wow, that was hard to write. I can't believe it! We've got a lot going on this upcoming weekend. My parents and Trav's parents are both coming in Friday to stay with us and celebrate Ry's birthday. Ry will have his friend party on Saturday. Sunday we will travel to the family farm in Shippensburg, PA to celebrate Travis's grandmother's 80th birthday with their entire family. Monday we will celebrate Ry's 4th Birthday with our immediate family. When Ry returns to school on Tueday he will celebrate his birthday with his school friends. Our little (sniff sniff) boy will have lots going on in the next few days. Here's hoping we survive!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Big Boy

In anticipation of Ryan turning 4 in two weeks (OMG), tonight we removed the rail from his bed. He was very excited to take it off and truth be told I think we could've taken it off a long time ago. Watch tonight he'll fall out of bed!!

We also brought in a bookcase we had in the nursery closet. I am proud to say my son loves books. With his love for books, educator parents, and a book loving Nana, Ry has aquired more books than I care to count. Since they were in bins and drawers everywhere we finally placed them on a bookshelf with room for more books.

Can't believe my baby will be 4 in a few weeks! Where does the time go?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Date Night

Yesterday when I picked up Ry from daycare I asked him if he wanted to go on a date with me. He excitedly answered yes and then proceeded to go tell the workers at his daycare that he was going on a date. I let him pick the place after giving him several choices (Chik-fil-A, Panera, PF Changs, Eat N Park). He quickly chose Eat N Park (local chain) because he said they have good commercials!!! Ry ordered macaroni n' cheese with applesauce while I had the salad bar and we shared an appetizer.

After dinner, we went shopping for a present at Macy's. Ry loved riding the escalator and wasn't quite sure if those people (mannequins) were real or not.

We had a great time and I hope to my almost 4 year old will let me go on dates with him for years to come!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Swim Lessons

Ry started swim lessons at the YMCA this week. I sat on the bleachers as Ry happily walked off to begin swimming. Many of my fears were calmed in those first few minutes! The students wore a floaty around their back. He easily got in the pool and really seemed to enjoy the class. (I'm sure it helped that his friend Grace was in the class.)

Our goal is for Ry to become a beginning swimmer and enjoy swimming as much as Travis and I do.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This past weekend was a whirlwind. Ry went over to his friend Lorenzo's house for a playdate so Travis and I could go out to celebrate his birthday. Ry had a wonderful time at Lorenzo's and did a great job eating dinner there.

After a rough Saturday night sleep Ry woke up Sunday morning hot, complaining of a headache, and with a bumpy red rash on his face. He was clearly not feeling well and it was rought to watch him in pain. (I should add Ry hardly ever gets sick.)

At 9am we took him to the local Med Express walk in clinic. Once I explained the symptoms to the nurse he thought instantly it was strep throat. (This made a lot of sense because Ry's best friend at school had just had strep throat.) They took a swab from his mouth and did a rapid strep test which came back positive. A quick trip to the pharmacy next door and were all set. The rest of Sunday was spent lounging on the couch watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and sleeping.

Ry stayed home with Travis on Monday and seems to be doing better now. He will go back to daycare today and hopefully be ok.