Monday, January 24, 2011

Here We Go Steelers! Here We Go!

Whether you love them or you hate them....Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ry has a book called Try Try Again. It's a Winnie the Pooh book where Pooh wants to learn how to write his name. In Ry's preschool class he has been working a lot on letter writing and letter sounds. While every mother thinks their child is the smartest I can't help but think Ry is! This morning he worked on his easel. He wrote the word Pooh, mom, dad, cat and bat. I have kindergarteners who can't write these words. I think what was equally exciting was the process he took to write the words. He stretched the words out and wrote the letters that matched the sounds he heard. (This is a strategy I teach my kindergarteners. It's called Stretchy Snake!)

Signed- A super proud mommy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Tonight while driving home after picking Ryan up from pre-school, he noticed a bag in the back seat. Well of course he asked what the box inside was. I proceeded to tell him I was in charge of an after-school games club and that was one of the games- Hungry Hungry Hippos. Once we got home he wanted me to bring in the game so he could play.

Ry loved it and we played several games. Well I might add!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Ry and his friend Elizabeth made a snowman family this morning.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Play Date Update

Today Ry had a playdate over at his friend Grace's house. (Grace came over 2 weeks ago- see previous post.) Grace is in Ryan's preschool class. Over the past few days I kept reminding Ry how I would not be staying while he was at Grace's house. My original fear is that he was going to be clingy and not want me to leave. When we arrived at Grace's house he showed Grace Jessie (Toy Story figurine), she said she had one too and told Ry to come upstairs to see it. And that was it!

Ry had a great time!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


This morning Ry drew a picture of me and wrote mom under it. This was all done unassisted. I can't believe he will be 4 soon!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Little Angel

On Friday/Saturday we had a few inches of snow fall. This prompted Ry to want to play outside and make a snow angel!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Smart Cycle

Today Ry got a Smart Cycle. Trav and I have been working out a lot in the basement lately and Ry keeps wanting to go on the treadmil. So after Travis and I met for lunch we strolled around Target and noticed the Smart Cycle marked down $20. So we decided to give it a try. Ry was so excited and loved working out with us. Our hope is to buy him more games, but sheesh, they are nearly $40 each!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Play Date

Ry had 2 play dates the past few days. He's played with friends at parties and gone to the neighbors house, but never a real play date where the parent has left.

On Friday morning his friend Lorenzo came over. Lorenzo is in Ryan's class. They had a good time and made a mess of Ry's playroom!

On Saturday afternoon his friend Grace came over. Grace is also in Ry's class. Grace and Ry have played together before during some summer playdates since I know Grace's mother. Ry and Grace had a great time and played upstairs a lot with Buzz Lightyear.

Ry was invited over to Grace's house in a few weeks. We'll see how he does without me there. I'll update the blog with how he does.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Ryan actually seemed to understand that there was going to be a new year. He was able to tell me that 2011 was starting in x number of days so I'm sure they talked about it in preschool. (I know they had a New Year's parade on Thursday.) So I decided to celebrate New Year's Eve, just a few hours earlier. Ry and I went to the store and I let him pick out a tv dinner (since Trav and I would be eating later). Of course Ry picked a Kid's Cuisine. (I vow he will never eat another one). We also went to the Dollar Store to buy some noisemakers, hats, glow in the dark bracelets, etc.

Ry ate his tv dinner and then we watched a movie since it was movie night. After the movie we had yummy cupcakes and then did a countdown. Ry wore his hat and bracelet, silly glasses and did his best with the noisemaker. He helped countdown and at "7:45pm" we rang in the New Year as a family. It was great and Ry really seemed to have fun!

From our family to yours- May the fond memories of your past carry forward and may the New Year bring good fortune!