Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Today was a very cool Halloween Day. Ry was eagerly looking forward to trick or treating. At 6pm the borough alarm sounded signaling the start to trick or treating. We walked just over half of our street with our neighbor and Ry's friend, Elizabeth. We saw lots of kids (all ages), many who drive in for our level street! The neighbors came out in full force with costumes, decorations, music, lighting, etc. Ry loved it! We saw the police cars and firetrucks several times as they drove by to make sure everyone was safe. We came home around 7pm and Ry loved handing out candy to the trick or treaters who came by. For the 2nd year in a row, the previous home owners came by to go trick or treating because they love the street! We had around 110-120 trick or treaters this evening.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


This morning I took Ry to the dentist for his regular check up. This is his 2nd time going. He goes to a pediatric dentist and loves going. They have a variety of "new" toys in their waiting room and are very kid friendly. This time Ry had x-rays. It showed he had a good structure and we could see his adult teeth just waiting their turn! He choose blue popsicle flavored toothpaste, had his teeth flossed and counted and also had floride applied. He did great and the dentist said his teeth looked wonderful!

In the end he walked out of there with: a new toothbrush, toothpaste, sticker, pencil, bubbles, and a coupon for a free Wendy's frosty (Halloween treat).

Friday, October 29, 2010


Ry wearing my piggy costume from my work.

Ry wearing fang teeth from daycare.

The 3 Little Piggies! (My wonderful teammates at school.)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thank You!

A big thanks to whomever gave me the anonymous $50 donation to my walk! I really appreciate your support. I wish I could thank you personally but at least hope you see my thanks somewhere. With your help I am getting super close to my goal. Thanks again!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Zoo Boo

Today we took Ryan to Zoo Boo. It's a costumed event at the Pittsburgh Zoo where corporations pass out candy and they have a haunted house as well. Ry had a great time!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ry's Special Lady Friend

I came home from work yesterday to see Ry and our neighbor Elizabeth playing in the leaves Travis was raking.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here is a picture of us while Trav and Ry came to cheer me on on my walk. This was taken at Penn's Landing in Philly.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I walked 60 miles in 3 days! What did you do this past weekend?

I had an amazing experience at the Susan G. Komen Philadelphia 3-Day for the Cure.

Friday's arrival at 6am was cold and windy, however, it was all worth it! I walked 19.7 miles that day leaving at 7:45am and stopping every 2-3 miles for hydration and food as well as foot care! We walked along beautiful streets filled with many people cheering us along. My favorite spot was Chestnut Hill where we were greeted by warm coffee and pizza from the business owners as well as bra strung clothes lines in front of houses- to offer support!. Lunch was a bagged lunch accompanied by the music of Jimmy Buffet. I climbed many hills that day and finally made it back to Fairmont Park around 5:30pm. We camped in pink tents on the floor of the convention center due to high winds. Camp consisted of a yummy dinner followed by massages, internet access, phone charging stations, and games! Early to bed though since we'd be early to rise!

Saturday morning was tough. I didn't sleep well. It was 4:45am and time to rise. The day was much harder. My feet were soar and I was physically tied. I chugged through it- all 21.4 miles. At times I wanted to give in so badly, but I remembered how lucky I was to have legs to walk and that I physically could. A tremendous thanks to all those people who came out cheering us on offering candy and snacks to keep us going. Lunch was a grilled chicken sandwich on the lawn of Haverford College. Back at camp I took a nice long hot shower in the shower trucks and enjoyed a yummy chicken dinner followed by a country concert put on by Candy Coburn and a dance off! Early to bed though since we'd be early to rise!

I was looking forward to Sunday. I thought I'd sleep in, but the noise at 4:45 again woke me up. It was our last day! Time to pack everything up and take down the tent. A big thanks to the football players of Temple and local Girl Scouts who helped with baggage and tents. Breakfast this morning was eggs, bacon, potatoes, fruit and a danish. No one goes hungry on the 3-Day! I boarded the shuttle to take us to Fairmont Park to begin day 3. This would a fun flat route!

We began walking under blue skies and warmer temperatures. Supporters cheered us on as we entered into the Philadelphia Zoo and the animals were woken up early to entertain us. The cheering station in South Philly was filled with supporters with goodies (yummy soft pretzels) and lots of clapping as well as free hugs. At one point I walked by an elderly man who gave me a hug and said tearfully that this was because he couldn't hug his wife anymore. She had died of breast cancer. Later that morning Travis and Ryan met me at the Penn Landing cheering station and that gave me an extra push. They walked with me for a little while then met me later for lunch. After lunch I had only 2 more miles to go till the holding area. I had gotten my first blister and badly wanted to take the sweep vehicle and give in. However, there on someone's door was the sign: Komen saved a life in this house. Don't give up- Please keep walking! And that I did!

My incredible journey ended with a celebratory Closing Ceremony at Philadelphia Navy Yard with Travis and Ryan by my side.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why walk 60 miles?

I hate to beg!

As many of you know, I will begin an adventure very early Friday morning. I am participating in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure in Philadelphia. I will be walking nearly 60 miles over the course of 3 days with a few thousand of my new closest friends. We'll camp out in pink tents and take showers in mobile trucks and hopeflully make friendships that will last a lifetime! The purpose of the walk is to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. Each participant must raise a minimum of $2300 to offset costs for the event. Once all my current and promised donations have been sent in I will still be short about $400. I have until the middle of November to raise the rest of the money. I hate to beg but please consider making a donation. Every little bit helps. Remember you can use a credit card (and earn points for yourself) and do a payment plan.

Follow the link below:

Or you can go to: On the top of the page click on Donate then Search for a Participant. Enter my name in the box and then click on my name after it appears.

If you have any questions or need help, please email me.

Thanks for helping to save the boobs!

Guess Who?

Ry has recently taken to play Guess Who. He's actually pretty good at it and is winning...fairly!


Ry and I went to Old Navy yesterday so I could get a pink shirt for my upcoming walk. While there we noticed a new Learning Express store was having their grand opening next door. Ry and I took a peek inside and WOW!! They had amazing learning toys (a teacher's delight)! I loved that they had many areas for the kids to play and experience. The hardest thing is entertaining Ry while shopping. Not only did they have these toys set out they also had a face painter and Elmo and Dora too! Ry was very friendly to the characters and kept following Elmo around in the beginning and hugging them.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Ry's love for books has been evident since he was a wee little one! We've religiously read him 4 books every night since he was born and 2 books before nap. He recently has taken an interest in reading words. (Although he has been reading the word 'hi' for over a year now.) He is able to read 2 books, Loose Tooth and Old, Red, New, Blue. (We know he's just memorized them.) However, now he's practicing using the Bob Books and it's already made a difference.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Movie Night

Tonight's movie selection was: Beauty and the Beast. I think I enjoyed it more than Ry!